Keep your shop humming with our extensive database of over 1 million+ skilled manufacturing professionals (with 10K added each week). Advanced skill breakdowns make it easy to identify candidates with experience in the exact machines and technologies at your facilities.
Save time and focus on what matters most. FactoryFix's AI-driven text messaging and screening systems help you quickly identify and engage the right candidates, simplifying the hiring process and leaving you more time to optimize production.
Candidates with the right skills aren’t all in one place. With FactoryFix's one-stop sourcing engine, you can connect with the best manufacturing talent no matter where they are. We'll tirelessly promote your job across the web, maximizing your flow of great candidates without the hassle and cost of traditional job boards and agencies.
Operations teams use FactoryFix to simplify hiring for manufacturing roles. Our one-stop sourcing engine connects them with top talent, while AI-powered screening and automated texting keep candidates engaged. This streamlines the hiring process, leaving Operations teams more time to optimize production.
We focus on manufacturing workers for all industries, from machinists and welders to production supervisors and engineers. We keep tabs on all talent across the industry so you don’t have to.
Our platform is designed to focus on skilled manufacturing professionals. We regularly update our database, and our advanced filters help you narrow down candidates based on their skills and experience, ensuring you find the right match for your needs. Our AI-powered screening automatically gathers the important details from high volumes of applicants so you have all the information you need to make a decision upfront.
We offer transparent pricing plans tailored to your needs and designed to make costs predictable and easy to manage.You can hire as many people as you need for the same job at no additional cost. We only charge you for your subscription and any additional job slots and Talent Search credits you decide to add.
Yes, you can have an unlimited number of FactoryFix team members, so you can collaborate with your team to find the right candidates.
Yes, Enterprise plan subscribers can explore integration options with FactoryFix. Chat with our sales team to learn more.