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A Maintenance Mechanic works on machinery in a manufacturing facility.

Maintenance Mechanic Salary: How Much Does a Maintenance Mechanic Make?

Find out how much the average Maintenance Mechanic makes with example salaries based on location, experience level, & more.

Have you been considering a career as a Maintenance Mechanic? Or are you currently a Maintenance Mechanic, and figuring out your next move? Understanding the salary and career path of this job can help you decide what’s next for you.

Like most jobs, a Maintenance Mechanic’s salary can vary depending on several factors. This guide will walk you through the average Maintenance Mechanic salary, nationally and regionally, as well as the kind of career trajectory you can expect. With this information, you’ll be well equipped to chart out the next steps in your career journey. 

What Does a Maintenance Mechanic Do? 

Maintenance Mechanics are responsible for performing routine maintenance on machinery. Typical responsibilities include performing regular inspections on machinery and equipment, carrying out preventive maintenance, and troubleshooting and repairing any mechanical or electrical problems as they arise. Maintenance Mechanics work in facilities requiring a large amount of machinery to create products, often in industries like aerospace, automotive, and food and beverage. They are also responsible for surveying buildings and mechanical systems to ensure they keep up with health and safety standards. 

As a maintenance mechanic, you can expect rewarding employment if you like working with machinery. Plus—like many other manufacturing careers—it doesn’t require an expensive four-year college degree. Instead, you can begin your career as a maintenance mechanic with a high school degree, 2+ years of experience as a Maintenance Mechanic (or similar role), or trade or vocational school. 

With all that covered, let’s dive into the average Maintenance Mechanic salary so you’ll know what you can expect to make in today's labor market. 

How Much Do Maintenance Mechanics make? 

According to our estimates, the average Maintenance Mechanic salary is $53,520 per year. When compared with data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this salary estimate is pretty consistent. When looking at the average Maintenance Mechanic pay rate, the national average hourly pay rate is $25.66, with the highest paying industries falling under utilities, energy, and transportation. The same data reports that the top 10% of Maintenance Mechanics earn $38.20 per hour ($79,460) and the bottom 10% make $14.20 ($29,540). Salary can vary depending on experience, employer, employee demand, and geographic location. We’ll dig into the specifics for additional context. 

States and regions with the highest average salaries for Maintenance Mechanics include Alaska, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Washington state. States with the highest concentration of employment for Maintenance Mechanics include Wyoming, Alaska, North Dakota, Montana, and Alabama. 

Higher Salary 

Alaska: $66,230
D.C: $63,550

Median Salary

Vermont: $53,360
Pennsylvania: 52,840

Lower Salary 

Arkansas: $46,340
South Carolina: $47,180

Oftentimes, the cost of living, level of experience, required responsibilities, and job market can play a role in determining the Maintenance Mechanic’s pay rate. Whether you’re entering the role from an entry-level or mid-level position, a little research can help set you on the right track. The great news is that demand for this career is growing. The occupation is set to grow 7% from 2020 to 2030 resulting in about 392,500 new jobs. This means, regardless of experience level, you’ll have a great chance at finding an exciting opportunity.

What is the Earning Potential for a Maintenance Mechanic? 

Now that we’ve got salary expectations covered, where can you expect your career to go next as a maintenance mechanic? When you choose a position, it is unlikely that you’ll be tied to the same job and tasks for life. Many Maintenance Mechanics grow into these roles: 

The skills and expertise you acquire as a Maintenance Mechanic can set you up for higher-paid positions, like Automation Technician or Maintenance Manager . If none of those titles sound appealing to you, you don’t have to worry about it for now. While the roles mentioned above tend to be a common career trajectory, keep in mind that nothing is set in stone. As a Maintenance Mechanic, you will have the freedom to shape your career based on your interests and work in a variety of industries of your choosing. 

The manufacturing industry offers a lot of opportunities, and skilled professionals like you are in high demand. Our Career Paths hub is a great resource if you’re still exploring your options. Find out which manufacturing job fits your skills and interests and can help build you towards the career you’d like to have. 

Once you’ve decided on a job that appeals to you, head over to our job board for great opportunities with top manufacturing companies. If you need a little extra guidance, our Career Coach can help match your goals and skills to jobs suited to you.